Fun Life, Living NYC

Social Sports for Quarter Life New Yorkers

Comments Off on Social Sports for Quarter Life New Yorkers 16 May 2011

Remember the feeling of beaming a classmate square in the back? The feel of the textured rubber ball against your hand as you look around and pick your target or the feeling of finding that one person in the bar that you are too afraid to talk to?  What if I could tell you that you can combine both and come out feeling great?

If so the New York City Social Sports Club is for you. The league began operations in 2004 and claim to have seen tens of thousands of players participate in its leagues.

The club offers a variety of co-ed leagues with a social edge year-round. Best of all you don’t need to be a semi pro athlete to participate.  The league gives you a chance to meet people or just get active.

“New York can be a lonely place. We just want to make it fun, said ” said Matt Archambault, Marketing Manager for NYC Social Sports Club.

Most people use it to get active, hang out with friends & coworkers regularly, blow off steam noted Archambault. Many players keep coming back because of the atmosphere generated by those playing the sports.

And they have a large variety of sports. From kickball, flag football, Team Trivia, soccer and even mini golf there is bound to be something that quarter lifers could get into.

“Any one can suggest something and we’ll give it a try,” said Archambault who remembers the first time he was suggested office chair polo only to have it not work out as well as he thought.

But the league features some unusual sports that are very popular. Inner tube water polo seems to be a favorite says Archambault. The manager has played the weird sport and guarantees that it is a surefire cardio workout.

Teammates Celebrate after the game. Photo Property of New York Scocial Sports Club.

But there is another benefit to this type of team play. You get to interact with the opposite sex in a way that many of us have forgotten.  Like we’re kids! Plus the teams usually go to the bar to celebrate the victory or cherish the friendship forged in defeat.

“You could just as easily talk to that girl you find attractive in a bar. But I bet you it is much harder,” noted Archambault adding “but if you see her after you’ve played against her. Guess what the ice is broken! Just go up and talk to her.”

Occasionally one player gets a little over zealous and that’s ok said Archambault, but the other players and officials make sure that everything remains civil.

“We just want everyone to have a good time. Quarter lifers make up a large amount of our players. So if you’re interested find a sport on the site and stop by,” said the manager.



- who has written 5 posts on QUARTER.LIFE. NEW YORK.

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